Prefabricated food equipment catches Rupert Hoogewerf’s eyes
2023-07-09 17:56:14来源:21世纪经济报道
南方财经全媒体记者施诗 实习生王欣桐广州报道
Why the prefabricated food equipment industry is so popular? On July 6th, Rupert Hoogewerf, chairman and chief researcher of Hurun Report, shared an article titled “Agricultural Cadre Revisits Prefabricated Food: Prefabricated Food Equipment Industry Should Become a ‘Digital Native’” on his WeChat moments.
Hoogewerf said, “very proud of our work promoting the Prepared Food Industry. Here is an interesting article recommended by a friend who wrote: ‘This morning, I read a very reasonable article about how to develop an emerging industry. It serves as both a forward-looking study and judgment of economic and social development, and a scientific grasp of market logic; the methodology is also elaborated. It is worth learning, not merely for the prefabricated food industry but for other industries as well. The article is worth a look.’”
The article recommended by Hoogewerf is the keynote speech of Chen Dong, deputy director general of Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, which was presented at the first Prefabricated Food Equipment Industry Conference just held in Zhuhai, Guangdong.
Sponsored by the Agricultural Trade Promotion Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Zhuhai Municipal Government,the conference was hosted by the Guangdong Prefabricated Food Equipment Industry Association and organized by Southern Finance Omnimedia Corp.
Extensively gathering the multiple elements of “Government, industry, university, research, application and finance,” the conference has erected a robust platform for the national prefabricated food equipment industry. It directs the accumulation of innovative resources and the construction of industrial ecology, thereby aiding in advancing the industry’s high-quality development.
In his speech, Chen shared his observations and insights into the prefabricated food equipment industry. In the digital era, as he analyzed, all industries can and must be “digital+”. Firstly, prefabricated food equipment harnesses the driving force of industrial production technology. Secondly, it possesses the organizing force of industrial scale. Lastly, the sector can also be equipped to establish a connection with the consumer side.
Households in the age of prefabricated food are in need of new cookware, kitchen utensils and storage. Growth opportunities abound. Strengthening research and development capabilities is an inevitable mission for prefabricated food equipment manufacturers. With the bolstering of cutting-edge equipment and technology, consumers can keep balance among delicacies, healthiness, convenience and safety.
In recent years, China’s prefabricated food industry has underwent rapid growth, with a resounding boom permeating throughout nearly the entire industry chain. As prefabricated food emerges as the “ultra-conventional weapon” of agricultural industrialization, apparatus becomes indispensable for achieving high quality. The burgeoning trillion-yuan prefabricated food market is continuously “fragmenting” into a series of hundred-billion-yuan industries, of which prefabricated food equipment has established itself as a pivotal sector with boundless potential.
Numerous businesses across various fields, including food businesses, have embarked on iterative equipment innovation, constantly upgrading to expertly stir-fry the “industrial pot” of “agricultural dishes” and facilitating the digital-intelligent transformation of the prefabricated food industry.
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